Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Oldies, Hummies and Such

The past few weeks have been incredibly hectic for me with trips to see old friends from home (top left)and from PU (Bottom right), work, and being a "work from home mommy". It's not as easy as it would initially seem, but each day I learn new tricks to make life and work easier. It helps that I don't have to give her a bottle every time I turn around these days. That's right! Jorja has become a vegetarian. So far, she has had quite the variety of tasty treats-some tastier than others. Below is a list of her new favorite foods rated on the hummy scale. Yes, I said "hummy". Apparently Jorja likes to hum and sing when she is eating good food. 1=not so hummy 10=Super duper hummy:
Sweet Potatoes-9
Peas-4 (has an initial "gives me the willies" factor at first, then not so bad)
Bananas-8 (has an initial "gives me the willies" factor but then it rocker her world)
Peaches-6 (has a very big "gives me the willies" factor then this is FANTASTIC!)
Just in the past two days she has rolled over, held the bottle on her own, sat up on her own, and unfortunately for our cat MaryJane-discovered fur. She was nice about it at first, but I just had to release a handful of unattached calico.

I spoke with Paris the other day and we are counting down the days until she comes to visit us for a LOOOONG summer stay. I cannot wait and have been planning and planning in my head. Zoo, camping, museums, camping....camping....: ) Maybe an airplane trip some where cool. I have always wanted to take her to NYC and have already broken 2 promises to do so. I am so excited to see the two girls meet for the first time. Jorja will be 9 months old by then but at least she will be old enough to really play with her big sis. That will be a sweet moment for Aaron and I-I get teary just thinking about it.

Prayer Requests: Thanks to God that my girlfriends 2 year old quad baby made it out of the hospital and they are all on the road to health after a long sickie winter. I saw Jen at a gathering of oldies this weekend and she is amazing and beautiful.
My friend Emily has reached week 29!!! This has been a prayer request for a few months for me and it is working!! Her body no longer feels the need to give birth and is actually going backwards which according to Dr.'s "never happens" Good thing God is in control and makes scientific things "happen".
My friend Anne has a little guy named Jackson who has been experiencing seizures. This in and of itself is hard to handle, but her husband has recently been laid off causing much unneeded stress. Pray that he is able to get a job soon and that the Doctors learn what is wrong with little Jackson and that they are able to cure him.
I have a girlfriend from back East who is one of my East Coast besties who is having some strange nervey things happening to her. Please say a prayer for her as she has endured a lot medically in her lifetime and it's time for some good stuff to happen to her. We should be getting some test results soon and I pray to God they are good news.

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