Wednesday, June 3, 2009


Okay-I am sooo bad at this!! It's been almost 2 MONTHS since my last posting!! How ridiculous, but really-my time flies! I am currently experiencing the life of a mother of two right now. Paris has been with us a little over a week and while she doesn't require ANY effort in managing, I do find myself worried constantly about: Why does she sleep so late? Who is she hanging out with?What is she doing? Does she REALLY need a boyfriend? How do you enroll in a convent? It is quite a change from a baby who I constantly worry about: What are you chewing on? Is that poop I smell? Why do you have a gigantic handful of fur? Oh no....where is the cat? That was poop I smelled-and it is almost up to your neck...
I cried when I saw Paris for the first time in a year. She has grown up considerably!! The trip up to fetch her was a girls day adventure for me, mom and Jorja. 3.5 hrs to Chicago, being nervous for the two girls to meet, seeing Jorja waste no time at all reaching up for Par like she knew exactly who she was, and finally driving home to meet Grandma and Grandpa Walker. The day was exhausting, but a lot of fun. I look forward to the many adventures Paris and I have planned. We are going to see a few concerts (New Kids on the Block/Jesse McCartney & No Doubt), many trips to the Zoo, Museums, a few camping trips, etc. It's hard to pack a years worth of fun into 2 very short months.
Jorja is deciding she wants to be a blond. There isn't much of the golden locks, but they are there. She's harvested 2 teeth that hurt like razors when she bites down on you, and she's graduated to big girl food. I've slowly introduced her to shaved lunch meat, cheese, cottage cheese, and canned fruits and veggies that she can smash while eating. It sure does save a lot on groceries that is for sure. She is still taking at least 2-3 bottles a day, but has been filling up on solid foods quite nicely! She's completely mobile now too-yesterday I was putting on my makeup in the bathroom when I heard "pat-pat-pat" I look down and there she is smiling up at me.
I am loving life with both girls. I can't help but be in denial that the summer will go by fast and soon I'll be shipping Paris back to AZ, but for now we are enjoying life together!!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Happy Half Birthday!!!

Can you believe it? Jorja is 6 months old already!! Time is sure flying by! She has become such a big girl, and her big personality is starting to show! More than once I have been awakened by little fingers in my nose or strumming my lips. I have to say-it's the best way to wake up. She aways smiles when she wakes up-then talks very loudly-then if she still doesn't have our attention-she will scream. I wish I had that kind of patience!! She is fascinated with faces. She must touch all faces and study them closely. We had a great Easter back at Gra' Soni and Pa's. It's always very relaxing to go "home". Jorja got some new maryjane's and frilly socks and got all girly for the big service. She was so cute! We also discovered a few new things-she's got a tooth coming in on the top gum, her hair is growing to the point where her baby mullet is disappearing, and she is going to be a veterinarian when she grows up. Big dogs only please. The crawling project is coming along slow and steady. I have a video and I'll post it as soon as I figure out how. : )
Paris called me last night to share some wonderful news! Paris has been invited to be a member of the Jr. National Honor Society!!! She was nominated by her teachers and has a meeting this week where she becomes an official member!! HOW PROUD COULD I BE??? Not only is she drop dead gorgeous-but she is so smart! We talked about how excited she was to come and visit and it seems it's right around the corner!
Prayer Requests:
My cousin Emily Sims is due at the end of May. She's had some difficulty the past 3 wks and was put on strict bed rest in the hospital though they are talking about sending her home. She had the same issues that my friend Emily had a few months ago and they are going through exactly the same thing! Thank God Friend Emily has been sent home and gets to spend the rest of her bed rest party at home. Cousin Em may get that gift, but may end up getting the big gift soon!! She is nearing 34 weeks and the Dr is confident the baby would be ok.
One of my best friends has been diagnosed with MS. While this disease is very tough to battle-I am completely confident God is by her side and carrying her through the toughest times. She is already putting herself out there as the face of MS and I feel she will be a complete inspiration to her peers who are fighting the same battle. Please pray for her comfort and strength to continue.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Miracles and the Power of Prayer

It's one word, but it has many different meanings to many people. I for one, believe in "miracles" but I believe in Gods Will more. Today has brought to my attention a few things to mind and I would like to share what is on my heart.
While checking in on a few of my fellow bloggers, I came across the blog for the mother of a little girl who has become well known back home as a survivor. She is such a tiny little thing-but her heart is massive and her strength and courage is even more inspiring. Willamina has been a name that I've heard in passing, and through my home church in Danville but I never had the opportunity to really get involved in what is going on in her life. Today I did. Today I cried harder than I've cried in a very long time. As a mother-I just looked at a picture and lost it. I ask that you all pray for this beautiful little girl. She is in so much pain, and has been through so many trials that I feel horrible for each and every complaint I have ever made in my life. God is working through her, and as I learn more about her I want nothing more than to read the next posting "She is cured!!" but it's not coming. Her life could be described as a Miracle. But this little girl is working for Jesus, and she is not a miracle-she is an answered prayer on so many levels.
I have also spent some time talking, emailing and IM'ing my friend from Covington-Jennifer (Myers) Murray. She has always been a fantastic friend, and her husband is just as fantastic-but I never knew her entire story "post-high school". Jen and Brad are the parents of quads. 4 boys. 4. FOUR!!! They are 2 years old now and are as cute as can be. (Jorja will marry one, I am sure of this) After reading about her battle with infertility, high risk pregnancy and life with multiples you have no choice but to think "How on earth does this woman do it??" Miracle? Or did God have so much trust in Brad and Jen 's faith and love that he gave them this opportunity to have a very public life to spread the Word? I think choice B is accurate!
A couple from my small group battled infertility, miscarriage, and the ultimately a high risk multiple pregnancy as well. They are having twins, but their story is a little different. Emily went into the hospital over a month ago because her body was preparing for pre-term labor. Had the babies been born at that time, it would have been a very scary and heartbreaking journey. After MUCH prayer and faith and hospital meals-Emily has finally reached yet another milestone of 30 weeks and her body is REVERSING it's need to give birth!! The doctors say this never happens, and is himself a Christian and simply put it-Prayer did this!! Do you believe it? I do!!
I have several instances that come to mind of miraculous cures, and people fighting their way through cancer, disease and physical trauma. Instead of calling these miracles-I call these taps on shoulders. God is there just aching to be a part of our lives and he is showing us that we can do anything through Him.
I didn't start this blog to preach, I started it to keep everyone in touch with our family and what is going on. However, I find myself needing to pour my heart out and say what is on my mind more and more in a public forum with the hopes of touching someones heart. Continue praying everyone. Pray for our country, pray for our President, pray for the lonely, pray for the poor, pray for the hurting, pray for the angry....just pray!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Oldies, Hummies and Such

The past few weeks have been incredibly hectic for me with trips to see old friends from home (top left)and from PU (Bottom right), work, and being a "work from home mommy". It's not as easy as it would initially seem, but each day I learn new tricks to make life and work easier. It helps that I don't have to give her a bottle every time I turn around these days. That's right! Jorja has become a vegetarian. So far, she has had quite the variety of tasty treats-some tastier than others. Below is a list of her new favorite foods rated on the hummy scale. Yes, I said "hummy". Apparently Jorja likes to hum and sing when she is eating good food. 1=not so hummy 10=Super duper hummy:
Sweet Potatoes-9
Peas-4 (has an initial "gives me the willies" factor at first, then not so bad)
Bananas-8 (has an initial "gives me the willies" factor but then it rocker her world)
Peaches-6 (has a very big "gives me the willies" factor then this is FANTASTIC!)
Just in the past two days she has rolled over, held the bottle on her own, sat up on her own, and unfortunately for our cat MaryJane-discovered fur. She was nice about it at first, but I just had to release a handful of unattached calico.

I spoke with Paris the other day and we are counting down the days until she comes to visit us for a LOOOONG summer stay. I cannot wait and have been planning and planning in my head. Zoo, camping, museums, camping....camping....: ) Maybe an airplane trip some where cool. I have always wanted to take her to NYC and have already broken 2 promises to do so. I am so excited to see the two girls meet for the first time. Jorja will be 9 months old by then but at least she will be old enough to really play with her big sis. That will be a sweet moment for Aaron and I-I get teary just thinking about it.

Prayer Requests: Thanks to God that my girlfriends 2 year old quad baby made it out of the hospital and they are all on the road to health after a long sickie winter. I saw Jen at a gathering of oldies this weekend and she is amazing and beautiful.
My friend Emily has reached week 29!!! This has been a prayer request for a few months for me and it is working!! Her body no longer feels the need to give birth and is actually going backwards which according to Dr.'s "never happens" Good thing God is in control and makes scientific things "happen".
My friend Anne has a little guy named Jackson who has been experiencing seizures. This in and of itself is hard to handle, but her husband has recently been laid off causing much unneeded stress. Pray that he is able to get a job soon and that the Doctors learn what is wrong with little Jackson and that they are able to cure him.
I have a girlfriend from back East who is one of my East Coast besties who is having some strange nervey things happening to her. Please say a prayer for her as she has endured a lot medically in her lifetime and it's time for some good stuff to happen to her. We should be getting some test results soon and I pray to God they are good news.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Every Day Love!!

Traditionally I have despised Valentines Day and everything involved with it. Gifts are expensive, chocolate makes you fat, and when you are single-couples make you self-loathing. I remember walking on the campus of Purdue University and seeing the chalkings on the sidewalk, the fliers on every post, pole and wall about "BUY YOUR SWEETIE ROSES!! ONLY $50 FOR A DOZEN!!" Only?? $50 in my house buys the best gift ever-either food or gasoline! These announcements always created a heavy heart for me because I was that girl who DESPERATELY wanted a valentine but never got one. Instead I got a dinner with my friends and SEVERAL discounted beers to numb the idea in my head that I was a loser. **Little did I know at the time, that it was the BEST way to celebrate! The minute the red hearts start going up the day after Christmas in Walgreens, CVS and Walmart I think to myself " why do we limit love to just one day? I try to show love to everyone I know at each and every moment in my life. (Aaron my disagree at sometimes!) But today I would like to list the everyday reasons that I love my husband.

1. I love how you bring me a 'treat' each time you go out. Either my favorite Chex Mix or my version of crack cocaine-V8 Fusions.
2. I love how you are constantly telling both your daughters that you love them. You are embedding it in their head that no one on earth can take that deep love away and no one will love them like their daddy loves them.
3. I love how God gave you the ability to create such gorgeous children.
4. I love how you and I can talk all day-yet still want to txt all night while you are at work. We never run out of things to say to each other.
5. I love it when we can take 18+ hr road trips and never once have to turn on the radio because we don't need the filler noise.
6. I love the feeling I get when you come home from work.
7. I love it when it snows for 2 days equalling over 12 inches and you get mad at me for attempting to dig out my car by myself. You wanted to do it for me, and you did even after 2 days of being frozen!!
8. I love how the highlight of our night is staying in, and catching up on our favorite shows on DVR.
9. My favorite part of the day is being in bed with you, Jorja and the dog talking and playing.
10. I love you because no matter what trials, obstacles or heartache life has brought to our door, you have been man enough to bring your family through it!

Happy Valentines day to you all!!! Now, I am off to spend my night with my college girlfriends having dinner and drinks!! I may be married-but it's still the best way to celebrate a day of commercial love!! Be sure to show your love every day.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

4 Month Update!!

Happy 4 months week! That's right, Jorja is another month smarter, stronger and funnier! She had her appointment with her new pediatrician Dr. Fledderjohn (or as mom calls her-Dr. Nutterbutter) on Monday. She weighed in at 16 lbs 12 oz's and is 27 inches long. Her projected height will be a minimum of 6'2. Yes. MINIMUM. Oh I feel for this child already. I remember not being able to fit into jeans growing up b/c they were simply too short. She will be just as bad! The shots this time around were just as brave as the 2 month shots. She has been showing her temper more and actually semi-yelled at the nurse. Guess who she gets the temper from? Thanks daddy for passing along that charming trait. The Doc told me things I already new-Jorja was perfect. Duh. : ) She started eating sweet potatoes this week and she loves them dearly. Last night she started singing while eating her 'taties'. (this was before she learned she could gargle them.) Next up-Carrots. Blech!!!

Paris is doing very well though we don't get to hear from her much these days. She is very busy with school and wrestling than is off rendezvous-ing on the weekends. She has become quite the wrestler as I have mentioned before. She did lose her last meet, but it was because she was laughing. She said she loves it and has so much fun that she laughs through the entire match. This of course really irritates the boys she is wrestling and one of two things will happen a) they will get furious and beat her b) they get nervous and she whoops them and makes them cry. Both scenarios are hilarious to me and I wish I could see her wrestle at least one time before it's over.
I am doing great-I've been able to pick it up at work which is great timing! I was given a special assignment to help out with the President/CEO . So far so good, she's very impressed with my recruiting abilities per my director and I am so thankful for the opportunity. Aaron loves his new job!! Despite a rough beginning he has really made a name for himself as well. He is sent on road trips on a regular basis to fix planes that are in airports with little or no maintenance support. He's made some good friends and actually likes everyone he works with!! That in and of itself is an amazing feat!
Prayer Requests:
Please continue to pray for my friends Matt and Emily who are expecting twins in April. Last month Emily was put on strict bed rest, and now she is in the hospital! She must stay in the hospital to be monitored until the twins are born and they have had a few scary moments. They are currently 26 wks and almost had Bailey and Ethan last Friday. 26 wks is just too early for these little guys and please pray that they stay safe and sound in their mommy's tummy until they are strong enough to be in the outside world.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Jorja's Pictures

We had Jorja's pictures taken this weekend by a family friend who did an AMAZING job! Thanks so much Staci!! As you can see-Aaron wasn't there, we'll have to do it next time when we are both together! You can see all of the photo's on my facebook and myspace accounts or ask me about our login for walgreens and I'll share the info for you.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Watching the Beautiful Dazey's

I spent the past few days watching all the beautiful Dazey's. No, I didn't spell it wrong-The Dazey's are my extended family on my mothers side. (Grandma Sims' sister) I was with them this week to celebrate the long and beautiful life of my Aunt Ruth. I loved my Aunt Ruth. She was always glad to be there for my showers, my wedding, Thanksgiving, Easter...most any event where our family gathered. Her death wasn't a surprise, but it was not ideal for anyone. But oddly enough, on the way to her funeral my parents and I heard Jeremy Camp's new song about the day we come face to face with Jesus. At the age of 28 (MONTHS from turning 29..) I've come to really look forward to that day. Now, more than ever because my Cousin Steve (Ruths son) pulled me close at the burial site and whispered in my ear "Ever since the day your grandmother died, my mom has wanted to go be with her." What a thought!! How amazing, joyous and FUN 3:25 on Monday morning was!! Aunt Ruth got to see Jesus, her husband, her sister, brother and her parents again!! I can imagine the hugs and kisses and the love that radiated! I'm amazed at this and desire it like nothing else on earth. The day we buried my grandmother I decided that I would live my life as Jesus did and love Him and obey him so that I can spend eternity with Him and the rest of the people I love dearly.
Back to the beautiful Dazeys...they cried, but mostly I saw smiles and heard stories and giggles. They are so close and loving to each other that it makes my heart swell to know that I have some wonderful people in my life. I don't see them much, in fact-some I hadn't seen in years-but they hugged me, they fought over Jorja and played with her and just LOVED. (I would like to mention that Jorja loves the men in my family and they love her equally as much, 99% of them are the construction/carpentry men who look so tough and hard on the outside-but they are bubble gum on the inside.) I loved watching the kids play with the 1980's WrestleMania figurines and giggled when little Nathan couldn't figure out why Jorja didn't want to play Hulk Hogan. In this world full of hate and despair, seeing a family who is so loving to each other did my heart good and proud.
I spent some special time alone at a few plots from family that I've lost that worked in my heart. I still hurt sometimes at the thought of losing my cousin and my grandmother, and it's amazing at how healing it is to spend some time being quiet and still and crying.
Speaking of special time-I got to spend a few hours with my friend from HS being goofy and giggly. The Adventures of Beth and Becky seem to only get funnier as we get older. I had a blast and can't wait to do it again.

My friend Emily has been admitted to the hospital because she is having trouble with her twins. She is currently at 25 wks and her body feels its time to deliver. Please pray that Ethan and Bailey STAY PUT! They are blessing from God, and the trip was heartbreaking. Keep Emily and her husband Matt in your prayers.
Also-my girlfriend with the quads has been asking for prayer. Their little Clark is in the Pediatrics ICU with a very bad respitory problem. This is a scary time for them so please pray for Brad and Jen Murray.

Thursday, January 8, 2009


HEY EVERYONE!!! AARON GOT THE JOB!! AARON GOT THE JOB!! That's right! God works in wonderous ways-it really is so incredible. It got a little tense there for awhile-but here is the complete rundown- Aaron had been calling Pinnacle on a regular basis to stay fresh in their minds. First, we found out that 2 of the 3 spots had been filled already and the 3rd would be filled "at the beginning of the year". Then on Wednesday, Aaron was catching some heat from Blakely's to join the union which would cost some money (sometimes more money than what was coming in) and he was afraid that he would not be allowed to work much longer without joining. So yesterday morning he called again only to get bad news. There was an offer out for the 3rd and final spot-Aaron was not selected. My heart was broken for him, he had been so excited for this opportunity and the idea of staying in the airline business was all he wanted. As unsteady as it was-being an aircraft mechanic is what Aaron J. Walker was meant to be, and it's what makes him happy. He came home early due to a machine breaking down with Blakely's and got a phone call just as he walked in the door...I hear "uh huh, yes ma'am. Yes. Ok. Ok. Thank you." then a loud "I GOT IT!! I GOT THE JOB!!" I'm screaming and crying, the dog is barking-Jorja is freaked out beyond belief. Total blissful chaos!! We stopped to thank God for the blessing and then I finally asked what happened??? Turns out the guy who received the offer was out of the country and not returning phone calls. They waited until Wednesday (the day Aaron called) before deciding to make Aaron the offer. (remember when we were praying the other guy would have something else going on?? Yea??? ) We also found out that the only reason he was not #1 pick was b/c the other 3 had buddies working for Pinnacle in Indy. So he starts on Tuesday. Would you like to know the kicker in all of this?? This morning Blakley's laid off everyone. So Aaron would have lost his job this morning only to have nothing lined up and he would probably not have had unemployment benefits b/c he never joined the union. God is incredible isn't he?
Oh Happy Day Reason #2- Today is the day that every father dreads. His gorgeous, smart and funny daughter turns into a teenager. That's right! Today is Paris' birthday and she turns 13 years old!! I got her gift out a little too late-but she is forgiving. (and used to so HAPPY BIRTHDAY PAR!!
Life is turning around for us!

**Sorry for the abrupt cease in photos. Our hard drive took a poo and we can't access any of our things.

Prayer Request-JENNIE IS PREGNANT!! Please pray that she continues to have a healthy pregnancy and that the baby develops appropriately. Lauren and Allie are praying for twins and two hats. (??) ha!